Birthday ticker

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, December 1, 2008

Norelle @ 22 Mos

Let's look at her development so far...

Erm...should be over 10kg (didnt weigh her)

Erm..seems taller already lor (yeah, I know that I am a lousy mother - I dont keep track of her vital stats)

I think she is still at 11 teeth. Or maybe sprouting some new ones????

Eat almost everything but not a big eater. More like she is interested in every single thing which she sets her eyes upon on. Her main meals are stil rice (cheena girl) and she likes soup. Not so keen on western food - except fren fries (not surprising). I think she has flavoured quite a wide variety of food/snacks/drinks already.

She LOVES to jump! Pratically that's her everyday 24/7 routine. Be it on the bed, sofa, stairs, baby cot, door-grille, gate, car, you name it, she's done it. This girl is not afraid of height or whatsoever!. And she can jump non-stop.

She is quite good with hands - she can screw and unscrew those bottle caps since very young. She has a knack of 'dismantling' things and put them back in one piece. She can fix those big ABC playmat puzzle (correctly) and those with pictures of fruits, etc. She can hold pens/pencils the correct way - think she's a leftie. She can self-feed pretty well now.

This is the fun part. This little chatty box of mine is so talkative nowadays and most of her words / sentences are in cantonese as that's what she picks up from her cousin brother at my mother-in-law's. She knows quite a lot of words and has been speaking in sentences more foten now. Let me list down some of the sentences that she knows (cant remember all)...
"mummy/daddy/whoever..., lei zhoum mat yeh" (what are you doing?)
"yeh-yeh/ma ma/..., sik fan lor" (come and eat your dinner)
"I want Barney water" (I want to drink water - Barney bottle)
"I watch Barney ah"
"Barney spoil chor ah? / wai jor ah" (Barney CD spoiled?)
"I want to buy ta-kult' / ti-ta-gen'" (yakult/vitagen)
"Got somemore"
"I dont like...."
"mummy, tor ji ngo" (hold my hand)
"mummy, cannot reach wor"
"daddy play tennis"
"we go kai-kai first ah?"
"ngo em moi yi koh" (I dont want this one)

And some other sentences which I can remember. But she definitely knows a lot! And I dont know where she's getting all these from. Another funny thing is she knows how to form a sentence using 'and then'. Like for instance,

Me: Baby, you pooh-pooh already?
Norelle: Pooh-pooh already
Me: Who wash your bum bum?
Norelle: Daddy lor
Me: What happen to the pooh-pooh?
Norelle: Daddy pour away the pooh-pooh and then flush away lor

She can sing a few of the nursery rhymes (not the complete song). She can sing the first 2 lines of 'Twinkle twinkle little star' quite clearly and also the mandarin version of it, 'Yi shan yi shan liang jing jing'. Her favourite song so far is the 'London bridge is falling down'. Oh, she can also count from 1-10 and some parts from A-Z.

*Sigh*..that's my girl :) Just love her innocence. So pure and simple. Yes, she is quite a handful but I just love the 'free spirit' in her. Being totally carefree and laugh and cry to the fullest. I love her being totally her at her age. That's how a child supposed to be. And they only get to be like this cherish it.

I am a little hippo drinking my favourite 'ti-ta-gen'

Hi from baby Elmo and me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

norelle's a big ger dy! no wonder she's tall cos she jumps alot yeah!

it always surprises me at how fast they grow each day with new things dun know learnt from where... yet, they are always our babies!